above: “Coquille de Noix et Allumette”, Bird Eye View of San Francisco rep. 1846, Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012, 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
London artist Elisabeth Lecourt's Les robes géographiques is a series of sweet dresses and a few buttoned-down shirts that use actual vintage paper maps from all over the world in lieu of textiles.

Made for displaying rather than wearing (the paper fashions are in plexiglass boxes), several of the stunning pieces are available for purchase at the Stephanie Breitbard Fine Arts Gallery.
“Coiffure Playmobil et Bouton Fleur”, Le panoramic map of New York City rep.1851
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Dans les Nuages, les Cigognes”, Los angeles panoramic sightseeing map, rep. 1932
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012, 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“La Barque des Giraffes”, map of New York from the Battery rep. 1892
Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Jerusalem Artichaud et Topinambour”, Jerusalem City Map, Historic Holy Land, rep. 1660
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Le Trésor des Corsaires Coquillages”, Known world map of the world, rep. 1565
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“La Bulle de Savon Multicolore”, USA Railroad map Atchison, rep. 1888
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“La Chasse aux Papillons”, map of Cambridge
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2011
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“La Mongolfière Sac de Sable”, Balloon map of London rep. 1831
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“L’Aventure Peter Pan”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, Cartagena Columbia map rep. 1585
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Le Chateau Mandarine”, map of the world
Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request :

“Le Far West ZigZag”, Bacon’s Shilling War map
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Le Petit Canard Danceuse Ballerine”, Balloon map of London rep. 1831
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2011
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Le Poisson d’Argent Volant”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, Santo Domingo map, rep. 1585
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Le Tableau Noir et la Cloche”, panoramic map of New York City rep.1851
Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request :

“Le Trèfle à 4 Feuilles et le Lutin Blanc”, Dublin Ireland, Historic City Plan map, rep. 1797
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Le Voyage dans les Entrailles”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, Atlantic Ocean map, rep. 1585
Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request :

“L’Étoile et la Souris Dent de Lait”, map of Connectucut, Long Island & Manhattan rep. 1777
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Pierre Verte, Rubis Rouge”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Saint, Augustine map rep. 1585
Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request :

“Pop Corn Edelweiss Pop”, Rivers and mountains of the world, rep. 1849 with gold leaves
Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

“Caramel Elastique Chewing Gum”, New York Central and Hudson River rep.1876 Railroad map
Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012
841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request:

images courtesy of the artist
Several more of Elisabeth's paper map fashions can be found, and purchased if available, here.
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Arek - Sunday, November 3, 2013
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