Welcome back to the One Room Challenge! This is Week 3 of a 6 week room makeover challenge. If you are new here, thank you so much for visiting. You can catch up by visiting here.
Week 3. This is the week I like to call "Evaluate...and Procrastinate"
I'm making over my guest bedroom in a sort of Bohemian Chic meets Palm Beach.
I thought I had so many wonderful ideas at the start of this. I'm still enthusiastic, but a bit discouraged that I'm starting to veer off course.
Here's an assessment of where things stand:
Remember my fabulous Turquoise Urchin Chandelier?
Here's an update: Yep. Still in the box. I'm waiting for my electrician's schedule to free up so he can get to the house to install it! He KNOWS this is One Room Challenge time! He *promised* he could do the install within this time frame. And I'm just crossing my fingers that this baby gets hung in the next 3 weeks. This will be the *statement* for the room. Don't make me get my hammer and screws out and nail this sucker to the ceiling! (Reference from Week 2).
I had a surprise up my sleeve that involved this slab of turquoise: (no, I'm not telling what it is, but this is an *actual photo crop* of the secret item). Let's just say, I think this surprise twist is going to turn out to be a complete FLOP. I'm going to have to rethink this. Bummer!
I haven't even attempted to hang my window hardware or drapes. (Though they HAVE been purchased!!!) I've been procrastinating in hanging them. The blinds did me in. Plus I'm charging my drill extra long this time.
Still no ribbon for the ribbon trim. Thank you Ms. Lisa Mende for giving me some options of where to purchase Petersham ribbon elsewhere!
And now, in true procrastinating fashion, I thought I'd share with you some pillows I purchased for my sunroom today while I was supposed to be shopping for items for the guest room! In true Vivid Hue fashion, I spotted the pillows. Fell in love with them. And then tried to figure out which room in the house they would fit in. I decided I could switch some pillows out in the sun room for a bit. Here's what I ended up with:
Vivid Hue Home's One Room Challenge Weekly Progress Posts:
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 5 1/2
I also love to have new followers, so if you'd like to follow me on my journey, you can follow me by by Google Friend Connect or by email delivery, just look over on the left hand side, and/or follow me on any of the other social media outlets as well. I like to meet new friends and will follow you back!
Week 3. This is the week I like to call "Evaluate...and Procrastinate"
I'm making over my guest bedroom in a sort of Bohemian Chic meets Palm Beach.
I thought I had so many wonderful ideas at the start of this. I'm still enthusiastic, but a bit discouraged that I'm starting to veer off course.
Here's an assessment of where things stand:
Remember my fabulous Turquoise Urchin Chandelier?
Here's an update: Yep. Still in the box. I'm waiting for my electrician's schedule to free up so he can get to the house to install it! He KNOWS this is One Room Challenge time! He *promised* he could do the install within this time frame. And I'm just crossing my fingers that this baby gets hung in the next 3 weeks. This will be the *statement* for the room. Don't make me get my hammer and screws out and nail this sucker to the ceiling! (Reference from Week 2).
I had a surprise up my sleeve that involved this slab of turquoise: (no, I'm not telling what it is, but this is an *actual photo crop* of the secret item). Let's just say, I think this surprise twist is going to turn out to be a complete FLOP. I'm going to have to rethink this. Bummer!
I was able to find a few table lamps for the nightstands. I tried to find as simple as possible because that sputnik lamp doesn't need any other competition in the room! I originally posted a photo of the entire lamp but I decided I'm going to make ya'll wait at least another week to see them.
(I know the suspense is killing you)
Still no ribbon for the ribbon trim. Thank you Ms. Lisa Mende for giving me some options of where to purchase Petersham ribbon elsewhere!
And now, in true procrastinating fashion, I thought I'd share with you some pillows I purchased for my sunroom today while I was supposed to be shopping for items for the guest room! In true Vivid Hue fashion, I spotted the pillows. Fell in love with them. And then tried to figure out which room in the house they would fit in. I decided I could switch some pillows out in the sun room for a bit. Here's what I ended up with:
Pssst, there's the bamboo magazine holder that I got at *the fanciest tag sale in Connecticut*
I guarantee I will have more work done next week for the next reveal! I'd BETTER! Time is ticking away. Please check back next week. And in the meantime, check out the other participants from the One Room Challenge. In addition to the below, there are over 70 that are participating in the linking challenge (like me). You can access those from Linda's Calling It Home.
Vivid Hue Home's One Room Challenge Weekly Progress Posts:
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 5 1/2
I also love to have new followers, so if you'd like to follow me on my journey, you can follow me by by Google Friend Connect or by email delivery, just look over on the left hand side, and/or follow me on any of the other social media outlets as well. I like to meet new friends and will follow you back!

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Calling It Home /
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Turquoise Urchin Chandelier /
Week 3 of One Room Challenge
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Write by:
Arek - Wednesday, October 16, 2013
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