Welcome back to the One Room Challenge. This is week 4 of 6 week room makeover challenge. This design challenge is the brainchild of Linda from Calling It Home. This semi-annual event started with 20 design oriented bloggers (selected by Linda) would participate by selecting one room of their own to transform from start to finish within the 6 week time period. Each week, progress is shared on the blogs until the final reveal at the very end.
This year, Linda has extended the One Room Challenge to include linking participants. And this is where Vivid Hue Home comes into the mix. I have decided to join the craziness and transform my guest bedroom during this time frame. If you're just checking into Vivid Hue's progress, please go back to the start and see where we started from in the previous weeks here:
Week 1 The Plan
Week 2 Progress
Week 3 Evaluate
Now that you're caught up, I must admit that I felt a tad bit guilty leaving ya'll with so many teasers last week. I was in a baaad place last week. I hadn't made much progress. My gorgeous Urchin Chandy was still sitting in the box. I wasn't looking forward to pulling the power drill back out to try to hang the drapes. I was in a funk.
Well...I managed to find a little extra kick in my step this week (aka, light a fire under my arse) and get some stuff completed. And I'm going to reveal a few things this week:
Most exciting news, this baby - the Turquoise Urchin Chandelier by Stimulight - is no longer in the box. And let me tell you, it is as great as I'd hoped it would be. Here's a sneak peek of it in the ceiling.
Last week I gave you a pitiful lil teaser for the fabulous brass lamps that I found. It looked like this:
I chuckle now. I promise I will never do that sh*t to you again. We're better friends than that. You deserve more.
Here's how both of the lamps look! I wanted something simple that would not compete with the sputnik chandelier. I had to go to two different Home Goods locations to for these. I spotted only one at my usual Home Goods but I snatched it up determined to locate a second. I paid $59.99 for lamp #1. The very next day, I headed to the second local Home Goods and found the exact same lamp but it selling for $99.99. FORTY DOLLARS DIFFERENCE. I explained to the store manager at the Wethersfield, Connecticut store that I'd just purchased the exact same lamp with a different shade yesterday. He was super accommodating and trusting and he agreed to do a price adjustment for me in good faith that I was being honest (and I was). I wanted to mention their stellar customer service here. (I did have my receipt but oddly the lamps had 2 different ID numbers which muddied the waters).
I have also been able to get beveled mirror tops made for the Parker Kennedy nightstands. I am obsessed with the nightstands but the boys warned me when I purchased them that they had some water damage on top. I took measurements of the tops. Found a local glass and mirror company. Called the order in over the phone. I requested a 1 inch thick bevel. Two weeks later, I went to pick the mirror tops up and they fit like a glove. I still need to change out the nightstand hardware and touch up a few spots that are damaged on the paint. And of course STYLE the nightstands. But the mirrors up the glam factor! ($80/ each nightstand)
I hung the brass hardware and linen drapes in the room. I did give the power drill another go. It worked out much better for me this time around. I'm embarrassed to admit that I figured out why I had so many challenges when I was hanging the blinds. (I was using the darned SCREW in the drill and not a DRILL BIT). Lemme tell you, a hole is made in the wall much more quickly with the dang drill bit. (Geesh, I'm swearing a lot this post and boy does it feel good)
I need to take care of the details...Like ironing the drapes. Right now I just stuck them up there to get an idea for height and feeling in the room. I'm also trying to determine the artwork that I'll use in the room. I had this piece of art hanging in the guest room before and it does still have navy and wood tones that would match some of the other components in the room....still deciding.
And lastly, remember that large splotch of turquoise blob that I shared with you last week?
Well, get ready for a mini reveal...
It's Turquoise Tem-paper Wallpaper and I found it on Amazon on clearance. Because my fuchsia grosgrain ribbon is going on 3 months of back order, I had a hair brained idea of trying to wallpaper my ceiling turquoise instead. Great in theory. I wish I'd planned this out a bit better. I would have purchased a bit better quality (non-clearance) paper. Or lined up my painter to paint the ceiling a turquoise lacquer. Here's why. I started to lay strips of the wide paper across the ceiling and it's so thin that every single seam showed through. It was the biggest botch job. When I decided to peel the paper off the ceiling, it pulled my CEILING off with it. Proof below:
So I decided to get creative. I had to think of something to hide the new mess!
I am now attempting to make the temporary paper thinner. I have cut them into strips and I'm putting them in rows of three then one then three then one across the ceiling.
At first I worried about how it would compete with the chandelier. But as time goes on, I sort of like it! Here's a snippet:
I'm thinking this may be a fun little addition to the room that came out of my little mistake. Of course, now I'll nix the ribbon nail head trim in here because it will be entirely too much going on. I can always do that in the mudroom. * I had originally thought of doing it in there in the first place and now I think I'll go back to rethinking it for there.
I have also thought about creating an art wall on one of the walls in the room. That wasn't in the original plans. And I need to add more oomph to those drapes. I'm looking for fun ways to style the nightstands and I still need to add the hardware.
The devil is in the details and I'm going to be out of town this weekend at a wedding. I'm worried that the time is going to slip away from me! I don't want to loose momentum now!
What are your thoughts about what I've shown you on the ceiling? I'm trying not to give too much away but are you cringing? Are you intrigued? Can you see it working? Is it too over the top?
Be honest!
Please check back next week. And in the meantime, check out the other participants from the One Room Challenge.
And, as I always say, I also love to have new followers, so if you'd like to follow me on my journey, you can follow me by Google Friend Connect or by email delivery, just look over on the left hand side, and/or follow me on any of the other social media outlets as well. I like to meet new friends and will follow you back!
Vivid Hue Home's One Room Challenge Weekly Progress Posts:
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 5 1/2 | Final Reveal

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Write by:
Arek - Wednesday, October 23, 2013
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