Thank you for joining me for the final reveal of the One Room Challenge! If you're just joining, you can catch up with my guest bedroom transformation here:
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 5 1/2 | Week 5 3/4
The past six weeks have been an adventure. One lesson I learned for next time is that I need to tackle my sub-projects much earlier! I was worried about revealing too much too soon. Instead, this was a "down to the final minute" finish.
But, I won't bore you with any more small talk. Today, it's all about the pictures. (Speaking of which, please excuse the night time shots!)
Introducing, my Bohemian Chic/ Palm Beach Guest Room:
I added this pom pom fringe to the curtains when I realized that I was going to have to rethink my plan to put ribbon nail head trim around the room (because the Petersham ribbon was on back order since August).
I'm Home Goods obsessed. The chair is also from there and I love how it pops against the blue walls.
The wallpapered ceiling was not originally in my design plan either. It all comes back to that back ordered Petersham ribbon. I wanted to add something else of interest so decided to try removable wallpaper. See previous posts to learn how it ended up as stripes versus a solid color on the ceiling.
Turquoise Nightstands: Parker Kennedy Living | Nail head Headboard: Ballard Designs | Brass Lamps: Home Goods | Vintage Sailboat Painting: Antiques on Nine in Kennebunkport | Brass Crane: Blaze and Bloom | Bed Linens: Serena & Lily | Ikat Pillow, Navy Pillow, Green & Linen Pillow: Home Goods | Bolster Pillow: Custom from Calico | Fuchsia and Orange Velvet Pillow: Blaze and Bloom, CT | Vintage Green and Turquoise Bedspread: Antiques on Farmington | Large Chevron Painting: Jennifer Moreman, One Kings Lane | Fuchsia Chair: Home Goods | Alpaca Throw: Ascher Market/ Spaces of Kennebunkport | Chinoiserie Melamine Tray on Bed: Kim Seybert | Quote Art (both): One Kings Lane | Miss Porter's Oil Painting by Dawn Lombardi of Farmington, CT | Drapes: Target Threshold | Pom Pom Fringe on Drapes: Ichimylove on Etsy | Rhino Stool: Home Goods | Zebra Dish: C Wonder | Turquoise Urchin Chandelier: Stimulight on Etsy | Pink Tulip on Navy Tray: Furbish Studio | Navy Faux Wood Inlaid Tray: Home Goods | Green & White Stripe Jewelry Box: Home Goods
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 5 1/2 | Week 5 3/4
The past six weeks have been an adventure. One lesson I learned for next time is that I need to tackle my sub-projects much earlier! I was worried about revealing too much too soon. Instead, this was a "down to the final minute" finish.
But, I won't bore you with any more small talk. Today, it's all about the pictures. (Speaking of which, please excuse the night time shots!)
Introducing, my Bohemian Chic/ Palm Beach Guest Room:
I hadn't planned to do a gallery wall but my five year old daughter also sleeps in this guest room each night (it's closer to our master), so I wanted to add a touch of something that would have meaning and represent her. I selected a few quotes that reminded me of her, some photos of her that I love and some artwork that she painted.
I added this pom pom fringe to the curtains when I realized that I was going to have to rethink my plan to put ribbon nail head trim around the room (because the Petersham ribbon was on back order since August).
I just found this stool today at Home Goods and fell in love. It's perfect for this room and I love it!
I'm Home Goods obsessed. The chair is also from there and I love how it pops against the blue walls.
The wallpapered ceiling was not originally in my design plan either. It all comes back to that back ordered Petersham ribbon. I wanted to add something else of interest so decided to try removable wallpaper. See previous posts to learn how it ended up as stripes versus a solid color on the ceiling.
That Stimulight Urchin Chandelier continues to be the focal point of the room.
It's definitely a show stopper!
Turquoise Nightstands: Parker Kennedy Living | Nail head Headboard: Ballard Designs | Brass Lamps: Home Goods | Vintage Sailboat Painting: Antiques on Nine in Kennebunkport | Brass Crane: Blaze and Bloom | Bed Linens: Serena & Lily | Ikat Pillow, Navy Pillow, Green & Linen Pillow: Home Goods | Bolster Pillow: Custom from Calico | Fuchsia and Orange Velvet Pillow: Blaze and Bloom, CT | Vintage Green and Turquoise Bedspread: Antiques on Farmington | Large Chevron Painting: Jennifer Moreman, One Kings Lane | Fuchsia Chair: Home Goods | Alpaca Throw: Ascher Market/ Spaces of Kennebunkport | Chinoiserie Melamine Tray on Bed: Kim Seybert | Quote Art (both): One Kings Lane | Miss Porter's Oil Painting by Dawn Lombardi of Farmington, CT | Drapes: Target Threshold | Pom Pom Fringe on Drapes: Ichimylove on Etsy | Rhino Stool: Home Goods | Zebra Dish: C Wonder | Turquoise Urchin Chandelier: Stimulight on Etsy | Pink Tulip on Navy Tray: Furbish Studio | Navy Faux Wood Inlaid Tray: Home Goods | Green & White Stripe Jewelry Box: Home Goods
A tremendous thank you goes to Linda from Calling It Home for allowing over 70 additional design bloggers to participate in this challenge as linking participants. I would encourage you to head over there to check out links to all of the linking participants that are posting their final reveals today.
Also, please visit these amazing 20 ORC design bloggers for their reveals here:
Thank you for stopping by! Please continue to come back and visit even though this challenge is over! Would love to have you back as regulars! 
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Arek - Wednesday, November 6, 2013
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